Walk-throughs: Upload
Uploading an Example Page
Step 1:
Navigate to the desired example page and select the "Download generic example X" link.
Step 2:
On your site, navigate to the directory you which to add the example page too.
Step 3:
In that directory, select the Upload button in the top right.
Step 4:
In the Upload pop-up, select Import Zip File as the type. Add the example zip file by selecting the blue + ADD button. Once the file has loaded, select START UPLOAD.
Step 5:
Under the Zip Import page, verify the extraction location and change the file name from generic-example-X.pcf to the correct file name using the pencil Edit icon.
Make sure to verify the file has a ".pcf" extension after renaming to ensure the page is uploaded properly.
Step 6:
Once everything is verified, select FINISH UPLOAD in the bottom right corner.