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Beyond the Basics: Countdown


What is a countdown

A countdown is a way to visually display when an event, program, deadline, etc. is going to start or end.

  •  Months
  •  Days
  •  Hours
  •  Minutes
  •  Seconds

Countdown to the 2034 Winter Olympics

Creating a countdown

Step 1:

On the page you're editing, click on the Components icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

Step 2:

Select v3-Countdown and click Insert.

Step 3:

Select the calendar icon to the right of the Target Date text field.

Step 4:

Select the date the countdown should end with.

Step 5:

Click Save to insert component. 

Step 6:

The v3-Countdown component will appear as a blue pill. Countdowns can only be viewed on the Preview tab or in the Published page

Editing Countdowns

Step 1:

Select the blue V3-Countdown component and then click on the pencil icon.

Step 2:

Make edits accordingly and then click Save to view changes.

save button

Last Updated: 1/30/25