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Getting Started: The Interface

The version 11 interface

Version 11 features a modern interface with added space to work and improved accessibility without changing the way your site functions.

version 11 interface


Global Navigation Bar

This is what you will use to navigate through the platform. 

global navigation bar

File Name and Extension

This is the name of the file you currently have open. 

Note: PCF stands for Publish Control File and becomes PHP on production.

file name and extension

Tabs/Page Actions Toolbar

Clicking on these tabs will give you different ways of viewing your content.

  • Preview is how the page will render once published
  • Edit is how you can make changes to your page
  • Properties is the back-end setup for the page, including your metadata
  • Versions shows previously saved or published versions of the page
tabs and page actions toolbar


In order to start editing a page, the page must first be available to edit. Only one editor is allowed to edit a page at a time, and if you click into an editable region, the page will automatically get checked out to you.

check in check out system

Editable Region(s)

The green edit buttons will show you the area(s) you can edit on your page. It will open up that area in a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) Editor and will look very similar to that of a document editor.

editable region button

Sites Dropdown

This area is meant for those who have access to edit more than one site. Using the dropdown, you can navigate to other sites without having to manually log in through each site.

sites dropdown


This area is for applications--items that will make it easier for you to edit your page. To add gadgets, click on the gear icon and then select the checkbox for each gadget you'd like to display.

gadgets icon

Editing with the WYSIWYG Toolbar

what you see is what you get toolbar


save button

Save - Saves the file on the staging server and exit the Editor.

exit no save button

Exit - Leave the file without saving changes.

cut button

Cut - Removes content from the document.

copy button

Copy - Copies content from the page.

paste button

Paste - Pastes content onto a page.

paste as text button

Paste as Plain Text - Pastes as plain text.  Use this when copying and pasting text from documents.

find button

Find - Searches for text on the current page.

undo button

Undo - Removes the last changes made.

redo button

Redo - Redoes changes made.

spell check button

Spell Check - Checks the spelling within a region.

remove formatting button

Remove Formatting - Removes all formatting for a selection.

font bold button

Bold - Applies bold formatting to selected text.

italics button

Italic - Applies italicized formatting to selected text.

font underline button

Underline - Applies underlined formatting to selected text.

font strikethrough button

Strikethrough - Applies Strikethrough formatting to selected text.

bullet list button

Unordered List - Turns the selected text into an bulleted list.

number list button

Ordered List - Turns the selected text into a numbered list.

decrease indent button

Outdent - Decreases the indent of a paragraph.

increase indent button

Indent - Increases the indent of a paragraph.

superscript button

Superscript - Formats the selected text as superscript text.

subscript button

Subscript - Formats the selected text as subscript text.

align left button

Align Left - Aligns a block-level element such as a paragraph or a heading to the left margin.

align center button

Align Center - Aligns a block-level element such as a paragraph or a heading centered within the left and right margin.

align right button

Align Right - Aligns a block-level element such as a paragraph or a heading to the right margin.

align justify button

Align Full - Justifies text making it flush on both the left and right side.

insert edit link button

Insert/Edit Link - Links text or images to internal/external URLs.

break link button

Unlink - Removes a hyperlink.

email button

Email Link - Creates a mailto link.

anchor button

Anchor Link - Creates an anchor to a select portion of your page.

help button

Help - Displays help text for the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

paragraph dropdownstyles dropdown

Dropdowns - Allows for an element to be applied to text by selecting the element from the list.

Note: Paragraph dropdown assigns meaning (H1, H2, etc.).

image button

Insert/Edit Image - Adds/edits an image on your page.

media button

Media - Allows users to include markup for video, movies, and audio on a page. 

horizontal line button

Horizontal Line - Places a horizontal line that fills the width of its container and is a useful way of separating areas of a page. 

line break button

Line Break - Creates a soft return or line break without the padding included in a paragraph break. 

special characters button

Special Characters - Opens a dialog box that contains alphabetic characters with accents and diacritical marks used to indicate different pronunciation than the letters are usually given. 

show hide block

Show/Hide Blocks - Enables the ability to toggle the view of the WYSIWYG Editor to display block elements encapsulated within rectangles defined with thin, dashed lines and identified them with the label of the HTML element being used.

source code button

Source Code - Provides quick access from the WYSIWYG Editor to the HTML mark-up for an editable region of a page for editing the HTML source code. 

snippets button

Snippets - Snippets are pieces of predefined content that can be selected using the Snippet tool in the toolbar or the Snippets Gadget. Snippets add more flexibility to the layout and design of a page.

assets button

Assets -  Allows users to create and use reusable content such as text, images, media, code blocks, managed forms, image galleries, polls, and comments that can be edited in one location and used in an unlimited number of pages.

components button

Components - Components are predefined content items that are configured by selecting options to customize the item's appearance or function.

table dropdown

Table -  Includes the standard tools for editing tables such as the ability to insert, delete, and define rows and columns, as well as merge or split table cells. 

max region button

Maximize Content Region - Enlarges the content editing area to its maximum size within the editor and toggle off to revert content area to actual size.

Last Updated: 1/30/25