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Beyond the Basics: Static Marquees


What is a static marquee?

A static marquee is a large singular image displayed directly under your header.  It can make a great first impression for people visiting your site.

Static marquee guidelines

Some things to consider when using images:

  • Check for copyright
  • Use images that are high quality
  • Refrain from using images of text (Read more about why on WCAG Guidelines)
  • Keep all images under 100kb, regardless of dimensions
  • Images should be relevant to the content on your site

Please visit U Web Resources for more information on image best practices.

Static marquee

Example of static marquee


Adding a static marquee

Step 1:

Upload and publish your image to /_resources/images.

resources images breadcrumb

Step 2:

Check out the page you wish to add a static marquee to and then navigate to Gadgets.

gadgets OU interface

Step 3:

With the gadgets panel open, select the Page Parameters dropdown. gadgets sidebarNot seeing the Page Parameters dropdown? Review your gadgets by clicking the gear icon.

Step 4:

Once the Page Parameters dropdown is open, scroll to the Marquee Section and select the Show Marquee checkbox.marquee section in page parameters

Step 5:

Click on the File icon next to the Image field.

choose file


Step 6:

Locate the image and click on Choose File to Insert.

choose file dialog box

Step 7:

The dependency tag for the image will be placed in the image field.

image area with dependency tag

Step 8:

Click Save in order to view changes.

save button

Last Updated: 1/30/25