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Beyond the Basics: News RSS Feeds

Request RSS news feed


Introduction to news feeds

A news feed contains a list of articles that relate to your department or organization. They can also be adapted for learning modules, publications, or other groups of content.

Once created, a news feed can include the following:

example news feed

Building an RSS item

Once the feed has been set up on your site, you will need to populate it with news items. Follow the instructions below to get started.

Step 1:

Navigate to the /news/ directory. 

breadcrumb of news directory


Step 2:

Click New and New Page and then fill out the page information.

new page dialog box

Step 3:

Build out the page with content that relates to the article.

Some suggestions for this page:

  • A quick summary
  • Imagery
  • A link (if you are sharing the original article)

Step 4:

Save and publish the page.

publish button


Step 5:

Check out the page again and then switch to the Properties tab.

properties tab

Step 6:

In the left sidebar, click RSS.

properties rss

Please Note: Any pages not built in the /news/ directory will not have the option to add an RSS item.

Step 7:

Click New and fill out the RSS Item Properties.  If you are not adding a thumbnail image, you can skip to Step 9.

If you are adding a thumbnail image, make sure to add media content.

rss item properties

Step 8:

After filling out the media content, click Create. Verify that the media content has been added to the RSS Item Properties. It will be listed under the Add button.

media content added

Step 9:

Click Create (this time located next to the lightbulb icon).

create rss item button


Step 10:

Select the RSS item checkbox and then click Publish.

rss checkbox

Step 11:

When the Publish Feed dialog box comes up, hit Publish

Publish Feed dialog box

Step 12:

Once the feed is published, publish your page again. 

publish button

Step 13:

Refresh your homepage to verify that the RSS has been added.

Editing an existing RSS

Step 1:

Navigate to the article in the /news/ directory that you need to edit. 

news article breadcrumb


Step 2:

Check out the page and then switch to the Properties tab.

properties tab

Step 3:

In the left sidebar, click RSS.

properties rss

Please Note: Any pages not built in the /news/ directory will not have the option to add an RSS item.

Step 4:

Select the RSS item checkbox and then click Edit.

Option 2: You can delete the RSS item and follow the steps under Building an RSS item. Remember to change the date and time if this is an older RSS item.

edit existing rss

Step 5:

Make edits and click Save.

save changes button

Step 6:

Select the RSS item checkbox and click Rebuild Feed.

rebuild feed button

Step 7:

When the Publish Feed dialog box comes up, hit Publish.

publish feed dialog box

Step 8:

Select the RSS item checkbox one more time and then click Publish.

publish button

Step 9:

Refresh your homepage to verify that the RSS has been updated.

Last Updated: 1/3/25