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 Snippets Library: Carousels


What is a carousel?

The carousel snippet offers the option to display images, text, etc. in a format that can automatically cycle through selections or use arrows to manually move from item to item.

Creating an image carousel

Step 1:

On the page you're editing, click on the Snippet icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

Step 2:

Select the carousel and click Insert.

carousel snippet select

Step 3:

Replace the default images by clicking them and then clicking the Insert/Edit Image icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

Step 4:

Click the select file icon to locate your images you want to include in the carousel.

Step 5:

Once your image has been located, click Save.

save button

Step 6:

After the image has been selected, remember to add an Alternative description and/or image title.


Step 7:

Replace default text with your own. Link the text if necessary.

Step 8:

Click Save to preview carousel.


Adding and deleting carousel rows

Step 1:

To add additional rows, click the add row buttons in the quick icon menu.

Or right click on the preferred row and go to Row→ Insert Row After or Insert Row Before.

Step 2:

To delete a row, select the delete row button in the quick icon menu.

Or right click on the preferred row and go to Row→ Delete Row.

Ways to style a carousel

Add classes in the table properties of the accordion to create different styles.

Helper Class:   ext-btns

Position buttons outside of the carousel content

Helper Class:   autoplay

Sets the carousel to automatically rotate through the slides.

Helper Class:  controls-bottom-right

*Works in tandem with autoplay.  Positions the pause/play controls at the bottom right side of the carousel.

Last Updated: 1/30/25