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Snippets Library: Custom Columns


What are custom columns?

Custom columns give editors the flexibility to build columns with different widths.

Left Column Width: 30%

Center Column Width: 40%

Right Column Width: 30%


Creating custom columns

Step 1:

On the page you're editing, click on the Snippets icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

Step 2:

Select Custom Columns and click Insert.

custom columns snippet

Step 3:

Replace the default content with your own.

Step 4:

To add additional columns, use the quick icon menu above/below the Column Snippet.

Or right click on the preferred column and go to Columns→ Insert Column After or Insert Column Before.

Step 5:

To delete a column, use the quick icon menu.

Or right click on the preferred column and go to ColumnsDelete Column.

Step 6:

To change the width of each column, right click in the preferred column and go to CellCell Properties.

Step 7:

Type in a percentage of the width you prefer.

Step 8:

Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 to the other columns that exist to equal a total of 100%. Custom widths will not work if the total percentage is not equal to 100%.

Ways to style custom columns

Add these classes in the table properties.

Helper Class:   has-border

Replace with content

Replace with content

Replace with content

Helper Class(es):   ghost-border, light-gray 

Replace with content

Replace with content

Replace with content

Helper Class(es):   ghost-border, hover-link

Last Updated: 1/30/25