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Snippets Library: Image Overlay


What is an image overlay?

An image overlay is used to add linkable text on top of an image. It also includes a hover animation to display secondary text.

Creating an image overlay

Step 1:

On the page you're editing, click on the Snippets icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

Step 2:

Select Image Overlay and click Insert.

Step 3:

Select the default image and delete it.

Step 4:

Click the Insert/Edit Image icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

Step 5:

Click on the search file icon to locate and insert the image you'd like to use.

Step 6:

After the image has been selected, add an Alternative description and/or Image title if needed.

If neither are needed, click the checkbox to indicate that the Image is decorative.

Step 7:

After the image has been inserted into the image overlay snippet, click it and then click the Insert/Edit Link icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

Step 8A:

If you are linking to a page within your site, use the search file icon to locate the page. Then click insert to add the page's dependency tag. Click Save.

internal link example

Step 8B:

If you are linking to an external page, type in the full URL in the URL field (ex: Then click Save.

external link example

Step 9:

Save and publish the page to view changes.

publish button

Ways to style an image overlay

Add classes onto the Table Properties of the button to create different styles.

Helper Class:   filter-dark

Note: This option might be necessary to read the text against your preferred image.


Caption text goes here

Helper Class:   has-border

Note: To avoid extra space inside the border, remove any space before or after your image.


Caption text goes here

Helper Class:   static-caption




Caption text goes here

Last Updated: 1/30/25