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Snippets Library: Buttons


What is a button?

A button is an alternative to a hyperlink and can be used to link webpages, modal pop-ups, files, etc.

Creating a button

Step 1:

On the page you're editing, click on the Snippets icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

Step 2:

Select which color button you would like to use and click Insert.

button snippet

Step 3:

Delete the default text within the first and last letters.

Replace it with your own text.

Delete the remaining default text.

Step 4:

Place your cursor on the text in the button and then click the Insert/Edit Link icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

Step 5A:

If you are linking to another page or file on your site, use the search file icon to locate the page.

Step 5B:

If you are linking to an external site, paste the external link in the URL textbox.

Step 6:

Click Save to view changes.

save button

Ways to style a button

Add these classes in the link properties.

Helper Class: arrow-l and arrow-r

U Red Button  U Red Button

Helper Class: block

U Red Button

Helper Class: small

U Red Button

Helper Class: large

U Red Button

Helper Class: xlarge

U Red Button

Helper Class: text-dark

  White Button with Dark Text


Last Updated: 1/30/25