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FormAssembly: Google Spreadsheet Connectors

Need to share submission data? You can utilize FormAssembly's sophisticated features and have your data readily available in Google Spreadsheets.

Setting up a new connector

Step 1:

After logging in to FormAssembly, scroll through the Forms List to locate the form needing a connector.

Step 2:

Once you've located the form, click on Configure and select Connectors from the dropdown.

configure connector dropdown

Step 3:

Under After form submitted, select + Add connector for form submission.

form submitted add a connector

Step 4:

Select Google Sheets 2.

available connectors

Step 5:

Click Configure.

configure spreadsheet

Step 6:

Under Step 1 - Grant Access to Google Apps, click on Grant new access to your Google Drive.

Note: You will need to grant new access each time you set up a spreadsheet for a form.

grant new access

Step 7:

Type in your GCloud email account ( and then click Next.

fa signin with gcloud

Step 8:

Click Allow to grant FormAssembly access to your GCloud account.

fa access granted

Step 9:

Enable connector under Status and then click Apply to save changes.

enabled status

Creating a spreadsheet

Step 1:

Follow steps under Setting up a connector

Step 2:

Submit a test submission through the form to generate a Google spreadsheet.

submit form button

Step 3:

Navigate to Google Workspace ( and login with your uNID credentials (and submit DUO login if needed).

CAS login

Step 4:

In the upper-right corner, click the Google Apps and then click on Sheets.

google apps - sheets

Step 5:

Locate the new spreadsheet and rename it following this naming convention: UU - College/Org - Dept - NameOfForm.

Ex: UU-Humanities-L2TREC-MuSSel Registration Form

Step 6:

In the upper-right corner, click on Share.

share spreadsheet

Step 7:

Under General Access, switch access from University of Utah to Restricted so that only people added to the spreadsheet can open with this link.

general access setting

Step 8:

Share the spreadsheet with employee GCloud accounts ( as-needed.

share with gcloud accounts

Step 9:

(Strongly Recommended)

Share the spreadsheet with the UIT - USS - FormAssembly group ( and set access level to Editor.

This is to prevent loss of spreadsheet in case of employee turnover.


Step 10:

Once you finish adding GCloud accounts, click Done.

done sharing button


Reconnecting a connector

Step 1:

After logging in to FormAssembly, scroll through the Forms List to locate the form that needs a spreadsheet reconnected.

Step 2:

Once you've located the form, click on Configure and select Connectors from the dropdown.

configure connector dropdown

Step 3:

Under After form submitted, use the dropdown to delete the existing connector.

delete existing connector

Step 4:

Just like setting up a new connector (steps 3-9), under After form submitted, select + Add connector for form submission.

after form submitted add a connector

Step 5:

Select Google Sheets 2, and then click Configure.

available connectors

Step 6:

Under Step 1 - Grant Access to Google Apps, click on Grant new access to your Google Drive.

Note: You will need to grant new access each time you set up a spreadsheet for a form.

grant new access

Step 7:

Type in your GCloud email account ( and then click Next.

fa signin with gcloud

Step 8:

Click Allow to grant FormAssembly access to your GCloud account.

fa access granted

Step 9:

Under Step 2 - Choose a Google Spreadsheet to Connect To, click Select a spreadsheet to be updated and locate the existing spreadsheet that corresponds with the form.

step 2 select spreadsheet

Step 10:

Verify Status is set to enabled and then click Apply to save changes.

apply changes button

Step 11:

Submit a test submission through the form to trigger a new entry on the spreadsheet.  This will verify that the spreadsheet has successfully been reconnected.




Last Updated: 1/30/25